The Store Of The Future

Europe, 2001
Europe Council, 2001: The European food retailing industry has been building stores with an anticipated economic life of at least 15 years. Given the current rapid change rate, the industry is starting to question whether they can afford to take such a long-term view. Sector and outside competition will grow, in terms of new players and channels competing for consumers’ attention. In North Western Europe in particular, the hottest competition will be in the convenience sector, and, throughout Europe, supermarkets and limited range discounters will have to adapt too – becoming extended convenience stores where appropriate. While consumers will be more demanding and discerning and technology will enable many to feel more in control, potentially there will also be increased feelings of insecurity and willingness to delegate. Satisfying tomorrow’s increasingly fragmented consumers will demand a better understanding of their needs and closer customer relationships than are common. In October 2001, this report analyzed these and other changes in an attempt to help retailers pursue strategies for future success.