Global Retail Summit Report

November 5, 2015

During the Global Retail Summit in August 2012, members of the Coca-Cola Retailing Research Councils had a robust dialogue on two issues that will have a profound influence on the future of retail – sustainable agriculture and social media.

Upon reflection from those discussions, we have published, the latest research report from the Coca-Cola Retailing Research Council: “Sustainability, Social Media and the Future of Retail”.

This compendium of academic papers examines some of the best thinking and strategies around social media and sustainable agriculture. Given the complexity and seriousness of the challenges and opportunities these issues present, “Sustainability, Social Media and the Future of Retail” provides an extraordinary perspective on the role retailing sector can play in these arenas.

We encourage you to read this report in its entirety and share it with colleagues and partners. As always, we welcome your comments and feedback on this research.