Just Getting Started

May 23, 2016

If you’re ready to make employee engagement a priority in your company, the final segment on how employee engagement works – getting started – ties the building blocks of employee engagement together. This section of the study lays out a way to put all of these building blocks together into a foundation for this work. This is the way to grow your business and power up your people.

It starts with a way your company can embrace the concept of employee engagement as a core value and as a focus 24/7. An important part of the journey involves measuring the current level of engagement in your company and identifying what’s helping and limiting your progress towards higher engagement and improved business growth.

There are a number of ways you can do this measurement. You’ll want to review the options and decide which one best fits your situation. There are surveys available on the internet, in books, and if you’re in a position to do it, you can also have a third party conduct a survey.

Regardless of how you do your measurement, you’ll get a lot more insight into how convenience retailers score on employee engagement in the third and final report on powering up your people, which will be published in early June.