The Changing World of Shopper Needs and Values in Latin America

Latin America, 2015

Latin America Council, 2015:  Imagine having the ability to look inside the mind of shoppers to understand how changes in economic status, new technologies and even daily challenges impact how consumers make shopping decisions. By visiting shoppers in their homes and stores, combined with broad surveys, the Council found new insights including:

  1. What really drives shopping decisions even as economic status changes?
  2. Just how much commuting and traffic problems food buying behavior.
  3. How smart phones are starting to impact shoppers.
  4. What formats shoppers like most and how format selection changes for specific product categories.

This study from the Coca-Cola Retailing Research Council of Latin America focused on four specific markets—from large cities to small towns—to provide in-depth and diverse insights useful throughout the entire region.

En Espanolo/Em Portugues (In Spanish/In Portuguese.)