A New Model for Sustainable Development in Eurasia and Africa

Eurasia & Africa, 2014

This report calls for the ‘re-imagining’ of sustainable development as development that improves the quality of life of consumers — in the short term as well as the long term. It explains how retailers in Eurasia and Africa can develop profitable solutions by abandoning much of the rhetoric of the developed world — and putting people first.

It does not cover the conceptual issues of sustainability — nor does it review the entire spectrum of programmes for sustainability that the retail sector can undertake. instead, it focuses on actions by retailers that matter for consumers.

Its pages form is a practical tool for retailers. based on a series of key principles uncovered by original research, this tool can be applied across the retail sector and across the eurasia and Africa region.

If you would like to submit your own case study, please download the Retailer case business form and email to jeffreyfoote@coca-cola.com