Redefining Convenience

North America NACS, 2001
NACS Council, 2000: At no time in recent history has there been a greater opportunity for the convenience store industry. And yet the industry has been slow to capitalize on it – to understand and satisfy consumers’ increasing needs for convenient shopping options, to take ownership of “the new definition of convenience,” and to aggressively market its unique strengths and services. Moving into the 21st century, the industry is in a precarious position. It is in danger of letting the concept of convenience it created and owned be usurped by others. Yet, for some 50 years, convenience stores filled an important role in the lives of American consumers. For most of that time, the convenience store was at the cutting edge of anticipating and satisfying consumers’ convenience needs. Now, it should embrace the notion that it is all about a convenient and complete experience that includes efficient service in a pleasant and clean setting, every time.